(920) 627-6847 tgp@stpaulfalls.com

Memory Matches Game~Exclusively Created for TGP & MM

Try out our Memory Matches matching game. The game is built like an app that can be played on any of your internet enabled devices. Also, the game is saved directly to your device after you have played it, so that you don’t always have to be connected to the internet. Try it here!



Alzheimer Support groups in Sheboygan County




Recommended Reading

The 36 Hour Day,   Nancy L. Mace, M.A. and Peter V. Rabins, M.D., M.P.H.

Alzheimer’s Averted – A Path to Survival,  Christine Baum Van Ryzin

Traveling with Hope,  MaryKay Baum and Chris Baum Van Ryzin

Still Alice,  Lisa Genova (novel, but endorsed by the Alzheimer’s Association)

Perspectives on Diseases and Disorders: Dementia, Adrienne and Alicia Lerner

Alzheimer Disease Sourcebook


Past Issues of BrainWaves a monthly newsletter provided by The Gathering Place & Memory Matters



The Alzheimer’s Project(3 disc)




www.alz.org  Alzheimer’s Association 

http://www.alz.org/sewi/ Alzheimer’s Association SE Wisconsin

http://www.wai.wisc.edu/index.html  Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute

http://lumosity.com A paid brain strengthening website. Full of daily brain enhancing games

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/braingames/braingames.htm Many games to train your brain

http://www.proprofs.com/games/ Brain puzzling games